A1 - New Media Publishing: Whither the Textbook?

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Presidential Room 1

How has the proliferation of digital media reshaped the traditional academic publishing paradigm, and how can faculty use these emerging technologies to teach more effectively? Our panelists will recount their experiences developing and teaching with new media texts. Grant Ackerman will speak about the Business School's integration of iPads in the MBA program and their use of the iBook as an extended learning resource. Dr. Paulette Bernd will discuss the iPad dissection manual she developed for use in the Gross Anatomy laboratory. Mark Newton will talk about how CDRS' partners with Columbia faculty to implement innovative digital tools and publishing platforms for content delivery and preservation.

Scheduled Panelists

Paulette Bernd, Director, Clinical Gross Anatomy, Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons
Grant Ackerman, Professor of Management, Columbia Business School
Mark Newton, Production Manager, Center for Digital Research and Scholarship
Vincent Racaniello, Ph.D., Higgins Professor, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Columbia University
Moderator: Steve Welsh, Educational Technologist, CCNMTL