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  Columbia and the New Media


The Center tries to be exactly that, a center of Columbia’s on campus activity in the new media and education domain. To this end we actively work with AcIS as a bridge between the technology infrastructure and the changing educational needs of the faculty and students. We collaborate closely with the University libraries that also have generously provided us with space in Butler Library. We offer workshops and forums on topical subjects for the entire University community. In fact, we are one of the few organizations of Columbia that provide services from actual locations on both Washington and Morningside Heights. We chair a University Seminar on New Media Teaching and Learning with participants from across both campuses. The Center in a word tries to provide a venue for the coming together of the Columbia new media community which often works in collateral nonintersecting paths. To this end we actively work and plan with our many partners and hope to be a stimulus to partnerships in the future.


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