Welcoming remarks

Frank Moretti, Columbia University
Cathy Casserly, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Peter B. Kaufman, Intelligent Television (presentation)

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Comments to date (2):

1. From Hal Plotkin:

Peter Kaufman:

"Imagine a world where the paths between academic media productions, archival resources worldwide, the talents and experience of producers, directors, cinematographers and the public are paved, swept and illuminated like runways at an airport in the morning."

Making Peter's brilliant vision a reality is one of the central goals of the Center for Media Change, Inc., a newly formed Palo Alto-based non-profit organization designed to facilitate public microfinancing of quality screened documentary projects. The project has been endorsed by respected documentary makers such as Ken Burns. To see Ken's endorsement and a quick review of our plans and current board members please visit our web page at:


This is an early stage venture. Proposals for collaborations are welcome, as are related ideas and reactions. I'll be at the conference both days, and then reachable by email at: hplotkin@plotkin.com

2. From Peter B. Kaufman:

Thanks, Hal. I think the world of funding nonfiction video production needs new structures, sources, and ideas--this is a great one. I loved your other comment to me at the meeting--that the buzz in the room reminded you of the old home brew computer clubs, and a time when people were creating technology and rules for it together as they went along. This may be where we still are with online video....