The presentation of Frank Moretti's keynote address is available in two formats:

1. Quicktime Streaming

In this version, you will be able to view Dr. Moretti's keynote address with the presentation slides. In addition to this, you can jump to different parts of his speech using the added navigation.


The following software, plug-ins and network connection are required to experience this site:

  1. Browser: Internet Explorer versions 4.x or later; or Netscape versions 4.x or later.
  2. Plug-in: Quicktime Player 5
  3. Network Connection: A broadband connection is highly recommended for the Quicktime Streaming presentation.

Download a free version of Quicktime Player if you do not have it installed.

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2. Real Streaming


  1. Player: RealPlayer 7 or later
  2. Network Connection: The recommended minimum connection is 56K modem with throughput of 44Kbps or more. A faster connection is suggested.

Download a free version of RealPlayer Basic if you do not have it installed.

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