Search syntax:
Operator: term1 term2
Action: Search for all chapters or annotation and references containing either term1 or term2 or both.
E.g.: madras punjab
Operator: "term1 term2"
Action: Search for entries that contain those terms which appear adjacent to each other.
E.g.: "caste system"
Operator: +term
Action: Search for this required term. +term1 +term2 means both terms must appear anywhere within a searched document.
E.g.: +madras +punjab
Operator: -term
Action: Exclude chapters or annotation and references that contain this term.
E.g.: "caste system" -racial will return all chapters or annotation and references that contain only "caste system". The excluded results may contain "caste system", but this search syntax requires all annotations containing racial to be excluded.
Operator: title:term
Action: Search chapters or annotation and references with the term in the annotation/chapter titles.
E.g.: title:punjab returns chapters or annotation and references containing punjab in the annotation/chapter titles.
Operator: query1 | query2
Action: Searches the results of query1 with query2, ranking results by relevance to both query1 and query2.
E.g.: "caste system" | racial. The search engine will first look for documents containing "caste system". Then it will search within these results documents containing racial. The final results returned will be ranked by relevance to both "caste system" and racial. This syntax is equivalent to +"caste systempunjab" +racial
Operator: query1 || query2
Action: Searches the results of query1 with query2, ranking results only by relevance to query2.
E.g.: racial || caste. The search engine will first look for documents containing racial. Then it will search within these results documents containing caste. The final results returned will be ranked by the statistical weight of the term caste.
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