Muhammad Speaks

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Although there is a conflicting account from the Nation of Islam, it is widely accepted that Malcolm X founded the weekly periodical Muhammad Speaks, whose first issue was published in 1961.The publication was independent, even of advertisers. As the newspaper of the Nation of Islam, the organ focused on general news of Muslim interest, including articles relevant to the Black community. The publication also featured national and international news, including coverage of Africa and the Muslim world. For years Muhammad Speaks remained one of the most widely read Black newspapers. Elijah Muhammad believed that periodicals were a great vehicle to "spread his program of 're-education' of Black men and women in America 'into the knowledge of self.'" The model for the national distribution of Muhammad Speaks was based on the distribution of several Black weekly newspapers that carried his religious column in their pages. In reciprocal support, the men of the NOI sold these Black newspapers, such as the Pittsburgh Courier and the Amsterdam News. The Courier column was called "Mr. Muhammad Speaks" and the Amsterdam column "The Islam World," which had been preceded by Malcolm X's "God's Angry Men." Muslim-owned businesses also frequently advertised in the Black press. Muhammad Speaks became the calling card for the Nation among Black urban communities. The image of Muslim men peddling the weekly from street corners was among the most powerful and lasting symbols of the organization.