Reed Brody is Advocacy Director of Human Rights Watch (HRW). He directed HRW's intervention in the Pinochet case in the House of Lords and initiated and coordinates the prosecution of the exiled dictator of Chad, Hissein Habre. He was previously Deputy Chief of the UN Secretary-General's Investigative Team in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Director of the Human Rights Division of the UN Observer Mission in El Salvador (ONUSAL); Executive Director of the International Human Rights Law Group; and Executive Secretary of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). He is author if the Pinochet Precedent: How Victims Can Pursue Human Rights Criminals abroad, (HRW, 2000), Tibet: Human Rights and the Rule of Law (ICJ, 1997) and Contra Terror in Nicaragua (South End Press, 1985). Together with Michael Ratner, he teaches a course on individual responsibility for human rights violations at Columbia University School of Law.