
ReliefSim is a unique, web-based training tool designed to create a believable representation of the decision-environment confronted by refugee camp managers during a humanitarian crisis. The tool allows students and trainees to test their knowledge and abilities around decision-making in a humanitarian crisis, and to experiment with techniques in a realistic, but not real, environment. The purpose of the tool is to guide and probe students in developing skills related to solving the complex and interrelated problems of refugee camp management. The purpose of this site is describe ReliefSim, how it is being used, and how it can enhance teaching and learning.

ReliefSim was originally developed by the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) and project partner Ron Waldman of The Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University in 2002. Since then it has undergone a couple of iterations with different partners.

ReliefSim has been archived given its technology rust. These pages remain for basic information. A version of ReliefSim was ported to Google App Engine, but it has not been tested for reliability. ReliefSim port: http://reliefsim.appspot.com/

Instructions for use are on the next page.

Please direct inquiries to CCNMTL at: ccnmtl+reliefsim@columbia.edu.