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CourseWorks Features

The CourseWorks template includes several "sections", which can be enabled (or disabled) by the instructor at any time during the semester. Any content added to sections, whether enabled or disabled, is retained in the system unless it is manually deleted by the instructor (or another course member who has edit access). Course content can be copied from one course site to another through the "course migration" tool, which is only available to instructors and system administrators. For assistance with any of your CourseWorks sites, please contact a CCNMTL Educational Technologist.

CourseWorks sections

  • Introduction - the course Web site's default space, which holds a basic course description or overview, instructor contact information (automatically supplied via the registrar), requirements, etc.
  • Syllabus - a space for a more detailed (daily, weekly, monthly, or topical) listing of what will happen during class sessions
  • Lectures - a series of folders that can hold notes, video, or audio of lecture presentations
  • Assignments - a series of folders that can hold documents, descriptions, and requirements for a course's assignments
  • Test & Quiz - a testing and polling tool
  • Bibliography - a space for required and supplemental reading lists or other pertinent information
  • Class Files - a space with folders to hold and organize all types of digital documents
  • Discussion Board - a space where students can respond to instructor's questions or start their own online discussion
  • Grade Book - a grade tracking tool, which is made available to students at the instructor's discretion
  • Class E-mail - a tool to send emails to individuals, groups, or the entire class roster
  • Settings - the administrative heart of the course Web site, which is used to enable/disable sections, add/remove class members, create groups, etc

If you are developing a course Web site on your own without CourseWorks, feel free to refer to the Web Publishing Guide or consult with an Educational Technologist about hybrid CourseWorks options.

Contact Information

To speak with an Education Technologist about building a course Web site, please call (212) 854-9058 or send us an e-mail at

Faculty may also stop by the CCNMTL Faculty Support Center in 204 Butler Library Monday through Friday from 10:00a.m. to 5:00p.m.

To learn how to activate your course Web site and add course information, view or print the appropriate faculty quickstart guide.

For more hands-on training facilitated by a CCNMTL Educational Technologist, register for an upcoming Workshop.

Quick Start Guides >>
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