Biography: Eric Avram

Eric Avram was the senior producer of the ABC News Law and Justice Unit from 2002-2006 (when he became executive editor of Specialized Units). As senior producer, Avram and his staff were responsible for providing exclusive reporting and stories to all ABC News programs on major trials, including 9/11 terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, Martha Stewart, Kobe Bryant, Scott Peterson, and Michael Jackson.

Avram joined ABC News in 1993 after a period with the Wall Street law firm Hughes Hubbard and Reed. During his ABC tenure, he created and developed programming for all the news programs, including a prime time special (with Charles Gibson) on the explosion of the Space Shuttle Columbia, a re-examination (with Cynthia McFadden) of the Central Park jogger rape case that made national headlines, and Diane Sawyer’s exclusive interview with Katherine Harris, the Florida Secretary of State at the center of the 2000 election recount controversy. Avram also played a lead editorial role in ABC News coverage of the Columbine High School massacre, the death of Princess Diana, and the crash of TWA Flight 800, as well as the 9/11 attacks, Hurricane Katrina, and the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.


Listen to Avram on the importance of the Duke rape story.
Length: 31 sec