Orange County Sanitation District Response to El Niño forecast
How Orange County California used a seasonal forecast in wastewater planning during the 1997-98 El Niño

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Principle # 1 2 3 4 5 6

Principle 6: Decision
The OCSD decided to go ahead and invest in the preparedness measures, and in fact it did turn out to be a success story. Rainfall in the region was on the order of 150% of normal (see plot of observed rainfall for that period). Essentially no damage was incurred to the facility compared to approximately $300,000 in damage during similar flood conditions in the winter of 1995. It is hard to say what might have happened if there had been below normal precipitation, but it can be argued that the precautions, such as education and training, are ones that can be "saved" for the next possible event and that could be considered "no regrets" decisions that contribute to long term resilience of the system.