October 10, 2002

Digital Technologies in Medical Education

Digital technologies provide a potentially powerful medium for teaching and learning in the medical sciences. Dr. Marc Dickstein, Sciences Basic to the Practice of Medicine and Dentistry (SPDM-D) Course Director, has employed new media in the education of all first year medical and dental students at Columbia. Among other applications, he has worked with the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) both in his use of course management systems, as well as joining with his colleague, Daniel Burkhoff, to partner with CCNMTL to develop an online heart simulator.

As Course Director for SPDM-D, Dr. Dickstein faces the challenge of designing a productive learning environment for a class with a large enrollment. A central aspect of the course consists of lectures from leading medical researchers and practitioners. How can we design learning environments to gain from such expertise, yet move students from a passive, note-taking role to an active learning orientation?

These challenges are not solely the domain of medical education. By examining medical education, we might discuss how best to employ new media and digital technologies in order to design more productive learning environments for large enrollment classes through the University. It is our hope that on Thursday, we might provide an opportunity for exploring the development of a palette of technological and pedagogical solutions to problems inherent in large classes.

On Thursday, Dr. Dickstein will discuss the SPDM-D course, his implementation of new media, including the Heart Simulator, and future directions. We eagerly look forward to a stimulating discussion.

More information about the Heart Simulator