Global Health Research Center in Central Asia Opens
July 31, 2007. The Columbia homepage featured an article on the new Global Health Research Center in Central Asia, a partnership of the Columbia University School of Social Work's Social Intervention Group, the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning. Based in Almaty, Kazakhstan, this is the first research center on global health established by a university in Central Asia, serving Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. It will develop effective solutions to pressing health problems and help reduce health disparities in Central Asia, which is experiencing one of the fastest-growing HIV epidemics in the world.
View full article.
VITAL as "Teacher 2.0" at EduStat 2007
June 8, 2007. Frank Moretti and Michael Preston presented VITAL as a Web 2.0 application for teacher development at EduStat Summit 2007, a conference sponsored by SchoolNet and Teachers College. The session was attended mostly by public school district administrators, who responded with enthusiasm. The presentation was followed by a lively discussion about the use of video to improve classroom practice through observation, reflection, and feedback from supervisors and peers.
The official conference blog included a post on the presentation.
VITAL 3.0 at EduStat Summit 2007
Brownfield Action Grant Announced on Barnard Newscenter
February 20, 2007. The Barnard College Newscenter announced the $450,000 grant from the NSF to develop and expand the Brownfield Action application. The new grant, awarded to Peter Bower, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Environmental Science at Barnard College, and CCNMTL will enable the software to be rewritten and reprogrammed so that the program can be used by more students and instructors, at Barnard College as well as at other institutitons.
NSF Awards $450,000 Grant to Develop and Expand Brownfield Action Application
Spectator Discusses CU's Distance Learning Options
December 7, 2006. The Spectator published an article about Columbia University's distance learning initiatives, discussing efforts by Fathom and Digital Knowledge Ventures. The article concludes with a nod to CCNMTL's success in creating digital resources for classroom use.
Read full article
CCNMTL's work on Havel site featured on Columbia homepage
November 13, 2006. The Columbia home page featured a link to a video called "Behind the Scenes at the Havel Web Site: In Conversation with CCNMTL," featuring interviews with Frank Moretti, John Frankfurt, and Mark Phillipson. The piece was put together by Robert Branch and Anne Burt of the Public Affairs Office.
Behind the Scenes at the Havel Web Site: In Conversation with CCNMTL
Project Connect in the Columbia Spectator
November 10, 2006. The Columbia Spectator published an article about the collaboration between the Social Intervention Group (SIG) at the School of Social Work and CCNMTL to produce Multimedia Connect. The article discusses how the multimedia version, which has been tested in a six-week pilot program, has adapted the HIV education program to make it easier for clinical facilitators to guide couples through a program about about HIV and sexually transmitted diseases.
Read full article.
Mapping at Columbia in Spectator
November 1, 2006. In an article about the various mapping and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies that are becoming available to undergraduates at Columbia, Spectator writer Josh Hirschland discussed the collaboration between CCNMTL and the libraries to create information overlays that can be loaded into Google Earth Pro in the Electronic Data Services facility in Lehman Library. The article also mentions CCNMTL's work on the Sacred Gotham site, created with professors John Hawley and Courtney Bender for their class on religion in New York.
Read full article.
Video of CCNMTL Presentation at WNET Conference Now Available
September 25, 2006. This past June, Frank Moretti and John Frankfurt presented a promotional video for the proposed Harlem Digital Archive at the "Culture, Commerce, and Public Media: A New Forum for Creators" conference at the offices of WNET. Created in cooperation with Intelligent Television, the video addresses the potential of a Harlem Digital Archive that would permit researchers, educators, and documentarians to utilize vast resources to create interesting new works. The video was shown as part of a panel called "New Models of Educational Video Production."
The agenda and video archive of the presentation are available at: Preserving Digital Public Television.
View the presentation. (QuickTime Video)
Wikimania 2006: Boston Globe Quotes Jonah Bossewitch
August 9, 2006. Jonah Bossewitch and Frank Moretti attended Wikimania 2006, which took place in Cambridge, MA from August 4-6. The Boston Globe covered the conference and how users are taking advantage of wikis as tools for social activism, featuring a link to the Social Justice Wiki and a quote from Jonah Bossewitch.
See full article
CCNMTL in Hunter College School of Education Publication
July 31, 2006. The Hunter College School of Education has announced its partnership with CCNMTL in the Video Interactions for Teaching and Learning (VITAL) NSF project in its 2005-2006 Highlights publication entitled "Opening Windows: Dr. David M. Steiner, Klara & Larry Silverstein Dean, Hunter College School of Education."
The announcement acknowledges receipt of a grant to the Hunter College School of Education from CCNMTL and its partnership, in which Professor Joon Lee of the Department of Curriculum and Teaching will be the Principal Investigator on a project that involves a number of faculty at Hunter's School of Education.
School of Journalism Receives Knight Foundation Grant
June 29, 2006. The School of Journalism's grant to develop case studies from the Knight Foundation was featured on Columbia's news page. CCNMTL is an active partner in developing multimedia environments for these case studies.
Knight Foundation Grant Funds Leadership Initiative
University of Glasgow Newsletter Highlights CCNMTL Trip to Glasgow
May 26, 2006. The University of Glasgow Newsletter published a brief summary of Frank Moretti and Maurice Matiz's recent visit to Scotland.
See full article
WGBH Posts New Media in Education Videos
May 17, 2006. WGBH Forum Network, an affiliate of the Boston PBS station, has posted the podcasts and videos from this year's New Media in Education conference on their Web site.
New Media in Education 2006: A Progress Report
Frank Moretti, executive director, CCNMTL
A Partnership in Educational Innovation
David J. Helfand, professor, astronomy, Columbia University
Virtual Fieldwork for Pre-Professional Education
Angela Calabrese-Barton, professor, Teachers College
New Technologies Serving Educational Goals>
Lisa Gordis, professor, Barnard College
New Directions: Research, Education & Community Service
Frank Moretti, executive director, CCNMTL
These videos are also available as podcasts on CCNMTL's New Media in Education 2006 site.
Barnard News Center Reports on ELEA Blogs
April 11, 2006. The Barnard home page featured an article about CCNMTL's student blogs project for Diane Dittrick's Environmental Literature, Ethics and Action (ELEA) course. Educational technologist Jonathan Hall describes the difference between the work students produced for blogs compared to those of traditional response papers. The article will also appear in the spring issue of Barnard Magazine.
Read full article
New Media in Education Conference Profiled in The Record
February 8, 2006. The third biennial New Media in Education conference was profiled in the February 8, 2006 issue of Columbia University's The Record. The article entitled, "New Media and Education: A Progress Report," included summaries of presentations given by Professors David Helfand, David Klatell, Richard Pena, Lisa Gordis, Letty Moss-Salentijn, and Susan Witte. A sidebar about podcasting, specifically highlighting Dr. Letty Moss-Salentijn's most recent lecture, was included. Both Maurice Matiz and Frank Moretti were quoted in the article.
This article also appeared on the Columbia University home page.
See full article
Channel 7 News Highlights Histology Podcasts
February 1, 2006. ABC-TV (Channel 7) reported on Professor Moss-Salentijn's use of podcasting to supplement her course lectures in its New York news segment.
Watch video clip (Real Media).
Columbia Daily Spectator Covers NME conference
January 30, 2006. The Columbia Daily Spectator included a front page story about CCNMTL's New Media in Education conference on January 30th. The article entitled, "Media Conference Talks Up Technology," included quotes from Professor David Helfand and Educational Technologist Dan Beeby.
See full article
Podcasting in the New York Post
January 23, 2006. The New York Post spoke to Dr. Letty Moss-Salentijn about how professors are podcasting their lectures in an article published on January 23, 2006. Maurice Matiz was also quoted in the article.
See the full article.
IAT Featured in InVivo
January 7, 2006. The Columbia University Medical Center's newsletter InVivo featured an article about the Image Annotation Tool (IAT) in the December 2005/January 2006 issue. Writer Keely Savoie interviewed Professor Letty Moss-Salentijn about how her collaboration with CCNMTL resulted in the creation of a tool that helps students in her oral histology course to gain exposure to an interactive library of digital images.
See full article.
Frontiers of Science on NPR's Talk of the Nation
December 30, 2005. Professors Darcey Kelly and David Helfand were featured guests on Talk of the Nation's "Science Friday," where they spoke with Ira Flatow about the deterioriating state of scientific education in America today. They discussed the Frontiers of Science course and its role in Columbia College's core curriculum as an important effort to engage students in rigorous scientific inquiry in different areas of science, including astronomy, biodiversity, neuroscience, and climate change.
Listen to Talk of the Nation
Frontiers of Science
Film Language Glossary Featured on CU Libraries Homepage
November 4, 2005. The Film Language Glossary was highlighted in the Columbia Libraries E-Resources News. Developed in conjunction with the School of the Arts and the Butler Library Media Lab, the Film Language Glossary focuses on defining film terms and film language, which are representative of all major categories of Film Studies.
SimCity Project Detailed in Columbia Daily Spectator
November 15, 2005. The Columbia Daily Spectator highlighted the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching & Learning's work with Professor Hilary Ballon to incorporate the game, SimCity, into her Urban Studies course. Josh Hirschland concludes that "by using technology in innovative ways, Ballon improved what was already one of the best courses for Urban Studies majors."
Read full article
TC Library Adds CCNMTL Paper to its Collection
November 4, 2005. The Teachers College Library recently added
"Developing New Tools for Video Analysis and Communication to Promote Critical Thinking" by Michael D. Preston, Gordon A. Campbell, Herbert P. Ginsburg, Peter Sommer & Frank A. Moretti to its collection. The authors discuss CCNMTL's research on Video Interactions for Teaching and Learning (VITAL), a Web-based study environment used by Prof. Herbert Ginsburg in his course on the Development of Mathematical Thinking, and examine how VITAL promotes student engagement in critical thinking activities such as interpretation, hypothesis generation, and use of evidence.
Teachers College Library.
University Seminar on Wikis in Columbia Daily Spectator
November 1, 2005. Columbia Spectator writer Josh Hirschland discussed Professor Mark Phillipson's presentation about implementing wikis at Bowdoin College at the University Seminar in New Media Teaching and Learning. Hirschland suggests that wikis could "revolutionize" courses in Columbia College's core curriculum by fostering a sense of community and encouraging students to engage in active discussions: "Wikis have the potential to provide a democratic forum for lively debate beyond the classroom."
Read full article
Film Language Glossary on Columbia Homepage
October 31, 2005. The Film Language Glossary was recently highlighted on the Columbia University home page. The story, entitled "CCNMTL Uses Big Screen Classics to Teach Film Fundamentals," includes direct links to the glossary, quotes from our faculty partner,s and a screenshot of the term "180 Degree Axis" with illustration from the film Harakiri.
Film Language Glossary in The Record
October 14, 2005. The Record profiled the Film Language Glossary as part of its special report on "Columbia and Film."
View a PDF of the clip.
Film Language Glossary
CCNMTL's Frontiers of Science work in Columbia College Today
September 2005. Columbia College's alumni magazine, Columbia College Today, included a description of the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching & Learning (CCNMTL)'s work with the Black Rock Forest Consortium to integrate real-time meterological data from the forest into Professor Kevin Griffin's "Environmental Systems" course.
CCNMTL's Frontiers of Science work in Columbia College Today
July 2005. The Columbia Center for New Media Teaching & Learning (CCNMTL) partnership with the Frontiers of Science faculty was highlighted in this month's alumni publication, Columbia College Today. The article described the partnership, highlighting the course's multimedia textbook and the Fall 2004 field experiment in which students utilized handheld devices to document their fieldwork.
CCNMTL Papers Added to TC Library Collection
The Teachers College Library has added two papers by CCNMTL to its collection.
The Deconstructor: Providing the Scaffolds for Students to Excerpt, Describe, Analyze, Interpret and Synthesize to Form New Understandings by Kristen Sosulski, Lawrence Engel, Gordon Campbell, and Lee Davis describes the Deconstructor, a technology that supports a constructivist approach to learning about film. Video Interactions for Teaching and Learning (VITAL): A Learning Environment for Courses in Early Childhood Mathematics Education, by Michael D. Preston, Herbert P. Ginsburg, Susan Jang, Janet G. Eisenbrand, Frank Moretti & Peter Sommer discusses the implications of the VITAL pedagogy for the pre-professional development of K-12 mathematics teachers.
Teachers College Library.
Tierno Bokar Resources Site in The Record
The Record, April 8, 2005. The Record published an article about the many special events that have been planned on campus to support Peter Brook's residency and production of Tierno Bokar this spring. The article highlights the rich multimedia content within the Tierno Bokar Educational Resources site that CCNMTL created for the Columbia community.
See the full article.
Printable version (PDF).
Tierno Bokar Educational Resources Site in The Spectator
Columbia Spectator, March 30, 2005 The Columbia Spectator published an article on the University Arts Initiative and Peter Brook's production of Tierno Bokar on campus this spring. The article highlights CCNMTL's role in producing the Educational Resources site.
For full article, see Columbia Daily Spectator.
Tierno Bokar Educational Resources site
The Autobiography of Malcolm X MSE in The Spectator
Columbia Spectator, February 22, 2005. The Columbia Spectator published an article describing the newly launched Autobiography of Malcolm X MSE and the three-year collaboration between CCNMTL and the Center for Contemporary Black History. Professor Manning Marable introduced the project to artists, scholars, and students gathered in Earl Hall to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Malcolm X's assassination.
For full article, see Columbia Daily Spectator.
Masterpieces of Western Music Online Reserves in Columbia Spectator
Columbia Spectator, January 27, 2005. The Columbia Spectator's article on recent changes to Masterpieces of Western Music discussed the role of the Online Reserves in the course. CCNMTL encoded nearly 200 CDs from the Gabe M. Wiener Music & Arts Library to comprise a new and expanded Online Reserves for the course, featuring high-quality mp3s that will be available to off-campus listeners with CUNIX IDs.
For full article, see Columbia Daily Specator.
Music Plagiarism Project in New York Times
New York Times, January 13, 2005. Columbia Law librarian and CCNMTL collaborator Charles Cronin was highlighted in the Online Diary of the Circuits section. The article called the "Music Plagiarism Project" ( "better than a textbook, and used by professors around the world."
Excerpt of New York Times Circuits column
Columbia Law School Arthur W. Diamond Law Library Music Plagiarism Project
Making History Relevant: Columbia Center to Release Malcolm X Web Site by Liz Fink
Columbia Spectator, November 17, 2004. The Columbia Spectator published an article about the Malcolm X multimedia study environment to be released this January. Dr. Manning Marable was quoted extensively.
For full article see Columbia Daily Spectator.
$2.3 Million Grant to Help TC Students Technologically Teach Early Math by Leora Falk
Columbia Spectator, November 5, 2004. The Columbia Spectator published an article about the NSF grant awarded to Dr. Herbert Ginsburt and Dr. Fank Moretti of CCNMTL. Both principal invesigators were quoted extensively.
For full article see Columbia Daily Spectator.
NSF Awards $2.3 Million for Math Teaching Resources
The Record, Columbia University in the City of New York, September 27, 2004. The Record included a brief of the recent National Science Foundation grant awarded jointly to Professor Herb Ginsburg and Frank Moretti of CCNMTL.
For full article see Columbia News.
EDC Open House photo
Columbia Spectator, September 17, 2004. The Columbia Spectator published a 4" × 6" photograph of Rachel Mlanao leading a session during the Experimental Digital Classroom open house. The caption used was "The 21st Century Classroom".
"Too Far to Walk" by R.D.R. Hoffmann
The Greentree Gazette, July 2004. The business magazine for higher education, The Greentree Gazette, interviewed Maurice Matiz for an article entitled "Too Far To Walk", (page 48). The articled discussed the advantages of offshoring in higher education.
Brownfield Action Curriculum to be Adopted by Connecticut College by Petra Tuomi
Barnard News Center, April 7, 2004. The Brownfield Action simulation, developed by Professor Peter Bower and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL), is being modified to be used by Conneticut College. This adaptation is made possible through a National Science Foundation (NSF) "proof-of-concept" grant. See Barnard Press Release.
Interactive Video Learning System Developed
Inside TC, March 1, 2004. The Video Interaction for Teaching and Learning (VITAL) environment was featured by the Teachers College News Bureau. This article disscusses the collaboration between Dr. Herbert Ginsburg and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) in developing this tool for professional practice training.
Technology May Be Very Good For Your Health by Carol Power
The Irish Times, January 2004. Columbia University's School of Nursing is featured in The Irish Times for using PDAs in their teaching. The article mentions their collaboration with the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning to incorporate technology at the point of care. See full article.
Columbia's Center for New Media, Teaching and Learning Supports Digital Innovation in Classroom-Based Teaching and Learning
USC Learning Edge, December 2003. "We are living in the middle of one of three great transformations of Western civilization, a move to digital technologies that is changing the way almost all human transactions take place -- from the economic, to the political, to the educational," said Dr. Frank Moretti, Executive Director of the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) and Professor of Communications at Teachers College. The University of Southern California (USC) Center for Scholarly Technology highlights the efforts of CCNMTL. See full article.
Boomers & Gen-Xers Millennials: Understanding the New Students by Diana Oblinger
Educause Review, July/August 2003. Diane Oblinger cites the Disease Outbreak Simulation (Epiville) as an example of what students entering higher education expect in their classrooms. This article describes the profile of students today and their demands for experimental, interactive, and authentic learning environments. See full article (pdf).
Environmental Sustainability Through GIS: An Online E-Seminar for Higher Education by Ryan Kelsey and Mark Becker, URISA Journal: Urban and Regional Information Systems Association
Vol.15, No.1, 2003
This article discusses the development of an online e-seminar that uses a geographic information system as the basis for its major activities. Students of the seminar explore the concept of environmental sustainability in a conference-style format with the perspectives of nine Columbia University faculty members affiliated with the Center for International Earth Science Information Network. Students experience innovative presentations from each faculty member, participate in online forums, and complete online activities using a customized mapping tool with data from the Environmental Sustainability Index. The activities are designed to engage the student as an active participant in exploring environmental sustainability.
Center for New Media Teaching & Learning Set Sights on Midnight's Children Program, Columbia University RECORD
Through hands-on research and international collaboration, the Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CNMTL), has developed a new multi-media educational application in conjunction with Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children. For more info see the Midnight's Children MSE.
Article: Columbia University Record - Center for New Media Teaching and Learning Set Sights on 'Midnight's Children' Program
The Internet as a Teaching Tool, Rights News: Columbia University Center for the Study of Human Rights
Professor Anne Nelson in the Journalism School tells of her experience developing The Rhode to Srebrenica with CCNMTL and how this project served her as a teaching tool.
Inquiry-Based Learning Meets New Media, The Nitle News: The Newsletter of the National Institute for Technology & Liberal Education
Featuring Brownfield Action. Combine inquiry-based learning with new media, and you have a compelling model for attracting students to liberal arts education and improving their learning experiences. Perhaps for this reason, technologically sophisticated inquiry-based learning projects are becoming more and more common. Lying beneath the surface, however, are complicated quesstions about how to fund these projects, who owns them, and whether they might be commercialized. This article defines inquiry-based learning and explores the role technology has to play in it, and the issues that surround it, by highlighting new and established projects that are changing the way students learn.
Article: The Nitle News - Inquiry-Based Learning Meets New Media
Web Watch, Physics Today
In the past, astronomy was confined to one spectral band, the visual. Now, however, astronomers exploit the entire electromagnectic spectrum. To demonstrate the power of full-spectrum observing, Columbia University's David Helfand makes an aural analogy. His Web site, Seeing the Whole Symphony , offers audio files that sample the last movement of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony one octave at a time.
Revitalizing Epidemiology 101, In Vivo
The goal of the Mailman School of Public Health's introductory and now redesigned epidemiology course is to captivate its 250 students from day one. . .
Article: IN VIVO - Revitalizing Epidemiology 101
Adding Calorie Counting to Gross Anatomy, In Vivo
As obesity is becoming an epidemic and people are more conscious about the role of food in heart disease and other conditions, nutrition as a scientific discipline has gained more prominence. . .
Article: IN VIVO - Adding Calorie Counting to Gross Anatomy
National Science Foundation Honors Chemistry's Nicholas Turro for Distinguished Teaching, Columbia University Record
Columbia Professor Nicholas Turro joins a select group of six university science researchers and educators nationwide who will receive the 2002 National Science Foundation (NSF) Director's Awards for Distinguished Teaching Scholars. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - National Science Foundation Honors Chemistry's Nicholas Turro for Distinguished Teaching
The Rohde to Srebrenica, Yahoo! Picks
The Columbia Graduate School of Journalism presents a fascinating, sobering look at Bosnian-Serb war crimes in 1995 and the perils faced by war reporters. . .
Article: Yahoo! Picks - The Rohde to Srebrenica
CCNMTL Awarded Grant to Develop Training Simulation For Public Health, Columbia University Record
The Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) has been awarded a $300,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to develop simulations that will train workers in humanitarian emergencies, in collaboration with Oxford University. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - CCNMTL Awarded Grant to Develop Training Simulation For Public Health
Columbia University School of Nursing Selects Palm Handheld Computers For Patient-care Initiative, Palm, Inc.
Palm, Inc. today announced that the Columbia University School of Nursing (CUSN) has selected Palm™ handheld computers for an initiative designed to promote evidence-based, error-free patient care in nursing. . .
Article: PR Newswire
Can file sharing thrive? With the future of music trading unclear, the technology may not stand on its own, CNN Money
Peter Sommer, director of education at Columbia University's Center for New Media Teaching and Learning, said this type of network can help teachers collaborate at universities and in primary and secondary schools, but would require a major change in people's thinking. . .
Article: CNN Money - Can file sharing thrive?
Forced Migration Online (FMO), TALL Newsletter
FMO (RSC), TALL and CCNMTL have recently received major funding for an innovative new project. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation has granted £200,000 for a two-year joint pilot study beginning in January 2002. . .
Article: TALL at the the University of Oxford: News
New Smart Room Utilizes Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning Process, Columbia University Record
Here in 308 Lewisohn, technology plus traditional lecture equals a new kind of learning experience for students, and a creative but surprisingly natural teaching experience for professors. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - New Smart Room Utilizes Technology to Enhance Teaching and Learning Process
Online Course Info Now Available: Columbia's new online program seems promising to both students and teachers, Columbia Spectator
As part of its latest effort to move academics out of the ivory tower and onto the World Wide Web, Columbia launched a University-wide online course management system last month. . .
Article: Columbia Spectator Online - Online Course Info Now Available
CERC and CCNMTL Offer 5 Week Summer Ecosystem Experience in Brazil, Columbia University Record
A global understanding of biomes is essential for students preparing to address the environmental concerns of the 21st century. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - CERC and CCNMTL Offer 5 Week Summer Ecosystem Experience in Brazil
CourseWorks' Website Tool to Provide Faculty with New Course Management System, Columbia University Record
This spring, faculty and students on the Morningside campus will have access to CourseWorks@Columbia, a new course management system that will enable them to publish course syllabi online, regularly update and post online course materials, and even create a course bulletin board, easily and on their own using their desktop computer. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - CourseWorks' Website Tool to Provide Faculty with New Course Management System
Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning Supports Digital Innovation in Classroom-Based Teaching and Learning, Columbia Digital
Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) is a faculty service organization that encourages and supports innovation in teaching and learning in the classroom using digital technologies. In an era increasingly defined by new technologies, the Center brings the best practices in new media teaching and learning to the fore. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning Supports Digital Innovation in Classroom-Based Teaching and Learning
Enhancing Education in the 21st Century: Three-Part Strategy Brings Columbia Digital Media to Campus, the Public and the Marketplace, Columbia Digital
The technological revolution brought on by the Internet and digital technologies is transforming the way almost all human transactions are conducted, including teaching and learning. . .
Article: Columbia Digital - Enhancing Education in the 21st Century: Three-Part Strategy Brings Columbia Digital Media to Campus, the Public and the Marketplace
Columbia's Digital Media Initiatives Bring Teaching Tools, Business Opportunities and More Exposure For Columbia Faculty, Columbia Digital
Each of the three organizations included in Columbia's digital media strategy bring a number of benefits and resources to faculty. The following is a guide to understanding each organization from a faculty perspective, including directions on how faculty can work with each organization. . .
Article: Columbia Digital
Top Wired Colleges, Yahoo! Internet Life
With its innovative use of video and audio to preserve and re-create lectures, Columbia's Center for New Media Teaching and Learning is a model for Universities nationwide.
Wired Colleges - Top 100 Chart 2001 PDF
Yahoo! Internet Life Ranked Columbia University On Its Top 100 List
October 2001. Yahoo! Internet Life ranked Columbia University 22nd on its list of the Top 100 Most Wired Colleges saying,
With its innovative use of video and audio to preserve and re-create lectures, Columbia's Center for New Media Teaching and Learning is a model for universities nationwide.
You can view the complete list and read explanations of their criteria at Wired Colleges.
Download Yahoo! Wired Colleges
Top 100 List
Non-Traditional 'Brownfield Action' CD-ROM Brings New Rules to Teaching and Learning, Columbia University Record
Students interact with the Brownfield Action's virtual town through a map interface. By selecting areas on the map, such as the vineyard shown above, students can visit residences and local businesses in the town to gather information for their site investigation. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - Brownfield Action
Feld Challenges Tradition in Teaching Students the Masterworks of Western Music, Columbia University Record
The class is Feld's section of Music Humanities (, a core curriculum course in which all Columbia students, music majors and non-majors, are exposed to the "masterworks" of Western music. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - Feld Challenges Tradition in Teaching Students the Masterworks of Western Music
Faculty Can Sample Columbia-developed Digital Education Tools at New Media Conference March 9, Columbia University Record
Columbia faculty and instructors can learn more about the University's new media teaching and learning projects and online learning ventures during a March 9th new media conference entitled "Moving Education Into the 21st Century with New Media" . . .
Article: Columbia University Record - Faculty Can Sample Columbia-developed Digital Education Tools at New Media Conference March 9
Uptown CCNMTL Open House Jan. 25, Columbia University Record
The Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning has opened a Health Sciences office in the Fort Washington Armory building at 168th St. to accommodate the expanding use of digital technologies in Columbia's health sciences curriculum.
Article: Columbia University Record - Uptown CCNMTL Open House Jan. 25
Grad Students Help Place Course Syllabi Online, Columbia University Record
It wasn't until two years ago when the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) opened, that faculty were able to get a course syllabus published online, a web site developed or a bulletin board built for free. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - Grad Students Help Place Course Syllabi Online
Intellectual Property Rights Attorney to Speak at Columbia University, Columbia University Record
The next session of the University Seminar on New Media Teaching and Learning will be the first annual joint event of the Seminar and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - Grad Students Help Place Course Syllabi Online
Center for New Media Teaching and Learning Supporting faculty's use of technology, Columbia College Today
Not long ago, George Flynn, Higgins Professor of Chemistry, was finishing his lectures with a hoarse throat and powdered palms. His students would retreat home with sketches hastily reconstructed from Flynn's renditions on the chalkboard, and a bit of fatigue from deciphering professorial handwriting. . .
Article: Columbia College Today - Center for New Media Teaching and Learning Supporting faculty's use of technology, Columbia College Today
Desert Yields Secrets to Columbia Junior, Columbia University Record
Angela Barranco, a Columbia College junior and environmentalist, was one of the five students who earned the nickname "hardcore wild desert woman" this past summer while studying at Columbia's Biosphere 2 facility in Arizona as part of the Summer Ecosystem Experiences for Undergraduates program (SEE-U). . .
Article: Columbia University Record - Desert Yields Secrets to Columbia Junior
Teaching tech to the teachers,
New York's Columbia University spent $12 million on its Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CNMTL) and is now showing professors how to use technology to teach more effectively. . .
Article: - Teaching Tech to the Teachers
Professors try to keep up with cyberage, Christian Science Monitor
Columbia University's new media center helps technophobic teachers create multimedia lectures and course Web sites. . .
Articles: CS Monitor - Professors try to keep up with cyberage
Frank Moretti: Education Revolution, Columbia News Video Brief
Just as medieval scribes could not have anticipated the impact of the invention of the printing press, educators today cannot yet foresee the revolution in educational practices that digital multi-media and the Internet will spawn. -- Frank Moretti, executive director, Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning. . .
Article:Columbia University Record - Frank Moretti: Education Revolution
Grad Students Rev Up Web For Faculty, Macs In Action
"The reasonable thing is to learn from those who can teach." Sophocles may not exactly have had Columbia University's computing environment in mind when he uttered those words, but the philosopher had a teachers can often learn a great deal from their students. . .
Article: - Grad Students Rev Up Web For Faculty
Teaching and Learning Beyond the Classroom Walls: Columbia Courses Enhanced and Extended by Web-based Tools, Columbia University Record
According to Szlanic, the electronic classroom allows supplemental conversation practice through a second, informal classroom, which is helping students overcome first-year language fear. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - Teaching and Learning Beyond the Classroom Walls
New High-Tech Hub Branches into Lewisohn: Technology in Teaching and Learning becomes a General Studies priority at Columbia University, The Columbia Owl
Embracing technology in the classroom, General Studies has made room in Lewisohn Hall for a satellite extension of Columbia University's Center for New Media Teaching & Learning (CCNMTL). . .
Article: The OWL Online - New High-Tech Hub Branches into Lewisohn
Bringing Faculty Up to Speed on the Information Superhighway, Columbia University Record
Taking Columbia University one giant step further into a brave new digital world, the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching & Learning (CCNMTL) opened its doors to faculty on March 1. . .
Article: Columbia University Record - Bringing Faculty Up to Speed on the Information Superhighway