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The Project Portfolio provides interested parties the opportunity to review the range of projects that CCNMTL has developed with its faculty partners. While each of these projects pursues its own objectives, the unifying feature across these efforts is the innovative use of learning technologies and the high level of interaction among faculty and technologists as they share ideas and collaboratively design curricular resources and tools. Projects emphasize collaboration, interaction, and student activity.


Search the Project Portfolio by keyword, or browse by recent releases, discipline, or educational approach.

By Keyword


By Recent Releases


By Disclipline

Architecture | Arts | Culture and Society | Education | History | Journalism | Languages | Medicine and Health | Philosophy and Religion | Political Science and Social Policy | Science | Social Sciences | Technology


By Educational Approach

Analytic & Communication Tools | Case Studies | Digital Archives | Directed Learning Modules | Field/ Laboratory Solutions | Large Class Solutions | Multimedia Study Environments | Simulations | Training Environments

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