Advanced Education In General Dentistry

Module 01: Advanced Pain Control and Sedation


Welcome to the AEGD Online course in Advanced Pain Control and Sedation. This course builds upon basic concepts in sedation and introduces more advanced techniques in intravenous sedation, pain control, and local anesthesia. Knowledge gained from this course will assist the clinician in choosing the appropriate technique to better manage his patients; however, this module is meant to serve only as an introduction to more advanced techniques. Links to textbooks, literature and training opportunities are provided for practitioners interested in learning more.

Topics covered in this module include:

Instructor's Guide

General Content

Suggested activities and assignments:

  1. Find another article on this topic and prepare an abstract. Conduct a literature review on current research in pain control.
  2. Have students review a case and prescribe an appropriate procedure for treatment.
  3. Treatment plan your next appropriate patient for sedation or local anesthesia. Discuss the indications for different pain control strategies for the case.
  4. Use this module to help educate another resident/patient on the use of pain control and sedation in dentistry.

In addition, the American Dental Association's House of Delegates adopted these Guidelines for Teaching the Comprehensive Control of Anziety and Pain in Dentistry.