Drafting History

  1. Drafting History - Introduction
  2. Overview of Process and Key Documents
  3. Accounts of Drafting Process
  4. First Session of the Human Rights Commission
  5. First Session of the Drafting Committee
  6. Second Session of the Human Rights Commission
  7. Second Session of the Drafting Committee
  8. Third Session of the Human Rights Committee
  9. Third Committee of the General Assembly
  10. Plenary Session of the Third General Assembly Session
  11. Reference

The Second Session of the eight-member Drafting Committee met in May 1948. Most of this stage of the process was spent discussing a covenant because at this time many delegates were still holding out for the adoption of both a declaration and a covenant as part of a proposed international Bill of Rights. This choice between just a declaration or both declaration and a covenant created enormous tension in the Commission and its drafting subsidiary and took a great deal of precious drafting time.

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Peter Danchin, Columbia University