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References for Foundation Text

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References for Sidebars

1 Kim J, Inoue K, Ishii J, Vanti WB, Voronov SV, Murchison E, Hannon G, Abeliovich A. A MicroRNA Feedback Circuit in Midbrain Dopamine Neurons. Science. 2007 Aug 31;317(5842):1220-4.

References for Wizards

1 Kathy Hudson quoted in Rite Aid Stores in West Selling a paternity test kit. The New York Times Business section. 2007. November 26. Available at: http://select.nytimes.com/mem/tnt.html?r=1&emc=tnt&tntget=2007/11/26/business/26gene.html&tntemail0=y@oref=slogin