News Simulation: A Fire Scenario CCNMTL
Introduction Freeport News The Police Beat Covering the Story Lead and Story Structure About the Lead Writing the Story
Fire Resources
Fire Checklist
Freeport Fire Codes
Reporter's Tools
Mobile Phone
Digital Audio Recorder
Digital Camera
Freeport City Map
Reporter's Checklist and Notebook
Personal Computer
Background Reading
Journalism Primer
The Police Beat
Fire Coverage
Useful Math for Reporters
Grammar for Journalists
Math and Grammar Quiz
The Police Beat

The City Editor

Oops. Wrong move. I don't agree with your decision.

Remember, Your deadline is in less than two hours. Go out and get me a 250 word story.

Use the Freeport City Map

City Editor
You decide:
I want to call the City Editor.
I want to call in the story and cover it.
This story isn't worth covering.
I'm leaving to go cover this story right now!

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