Working with a colleague in another department or at a different university seems to be the most natural part of the academic research enterprise. But before someone enters into a research collaboration with an investigator in the same or different field, he or she should be aware of certain management, legal, and regulatory pitfalls that can arise. Although granting agencies believe that collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects are fruitful and support their development, many require a lot of scientific and regulatory work in order to be successful.
Please take a moment to review the Learning Objectives for this module and perhaps to return to the core of the module to cover areas you might have skipped over initially but which hold some interest for you.
We again have provided the Challenge Questions, so that you may reread the questions equipped with the knowledge you have acquired and compare your answers at this stage with the answers to the same questions given at the start of the module.
Finally, for the benefit of Columbia University members, we have provided a link to Rascal, the university’s Research Administration System. Once in Rascal, you may test your knowledge of the RCR modules, and upon completion of the test a permanent record will be stored as verification of RCR training. This may prove invaluable, as the Department of Human and Health Services and other grant-funding agencies may require RCR training for researchers in the future.
Rascal is a Web-based application that is constructed to improve resources available to faculty and researchers for information in planning, analysis, and management decision-making. Rascal's responsibility is to provide access to research information for the entire Columbia research community. The openness of Rascal technology will allow authorized access to central administrators, researchers, and departmental administrators at all levels of need.
To further test your knowledge of the module, please visit: https://www.rascal.columbia.edu/. Please be advised that you will be required to submit a Columbia University UNI and password. After logging in, go to the Testing Center and select the test for this module.
We thank you for your attention and interest.