June 15, 2009. CCNMTL staff will participate, present, and organize events at the Open Video Conference, to be hosted at New York University on June 19-20. The Conference, which brings together academics, lawyers, content creators, programmers, and entrepreneurs, hopes to raise public interest and awareness toward developing a community-defined set of best practices in online video.
As an official partner organization of the Open Video Conference, CCNMTL collaborated with the Open Video Alliance to develop topics for the "Open Video Practices in Education" panel and to organize a meet-up centered on open video in education. Throughout the Conference, CCNMTL staff will discuss the various uses of teaching and learning tools for video clipping, annotation, and citation that have been used in Columbia University courses.
As online video use becomes more widespread on Columbia University's campuses, CCNMTL is taking ambitious steps to meet and welcome its use in the classroom. With the release of Columbia on iTunes U last fall, and the coming release of Columbia's hub on YouTube this fall, the Center continues to provide faculty and instructors with guidance, tools, and best practices to help them create course-related materials for distribution and learning.
Related links: Visit the Open Video Conference Website
Read about CCNMTL's Services for Faculty and Instructors
Download the press release (PDF)