VITAL at 2010 AERA Annual Meeting
Teachers College professor Herbert Ginsburg served as chair and UCLA professor Jim Stigler as discussant for a symposium on VITAL at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) in Denver on May 4, 2010. Entitled "Video Analysis as a Method for Developing Preservice Teachers' Beliefs about Teaching and their Understanding of Children, Pedagogy, and Assessment" and sponsored by SIG-Mathematics Education, the symposium featured research papers by CCNMTL staff member Michael Preston, CPRE staff member Wakasa Nagakura, Teachers College doctoral students Deborah Rosenfeld, Genevieve Hartman, and Janet Eisenband Sorkin, and Rutgers University doctoral student Cecilia Arias and professors Roberta Schorr and Lisa Warner. The research focuses on early childhood teacher preparation in mathematics, including the development of model courses, an extensive video library, and the VITAL web-based video analysis system, which combine to provide preservice teachers with intellectually-stimulating learning experiences that vividly portray the processes of children's mathematical thinking and learning and help teachers develop skills relevant to assessment and teaching. There were five papers presented:
Designing a Video Library and a Web Environment for Learning about Early Childhood Mathematics Education (Janet Eisenband Sorkin and Michael D. Preston, Teachers College, Columbia University and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning) PDF, 844 KB
Reflecting on Reflections: How Better Understanding Preservice Teachers' Beliefs and Concerns Can Help Us Help Them (Genevieve Hartman and Wakasa Nagakura, Teachers College, Columbia University) PDF, 225 KB
The Impact of Video Analysis on Teacher Perceptions of Self-Efficacy: An Analysis of Reflections and Self-Ratings (Deborah Rosenfeld, Teachers College, Columbia University) PDF, 270 KB
Using Guided Experiences with Video to Help Teachers Interpret Children's Thinking with Appropriate Intellectual Modesty (Michael D. Preston, Teachers College, Columbia University and the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning) PDF, 209 KB
Using the Clinical Interview Method to Examine Children's Mathematical Thinking (Cecilia C. Arias, Roberta Y. Schorr, Lisa B. Warner, Rutgers University) PDF, 143 KB