January 22, 2002. Following Columbia's launch of CourseWorks@Columbia, the University's new course management system that aids students and faculty in the management of their online course materials, CCNMTL offers faculty at the University support for building their course websites and training to learn how to use the application on their own.
CourseWorks@Columbia is an evolution of several technologies introduced by AcIS and CCNMTL, including CUBboard, the course website template and the Directory of Classes (DOC). With it, faculty can publish course information and content, communicate with students via bulletin boards and e-mail lists, maintain digital assets (text, slides, video and audio), deliver and receive files (such as readings and assignments) and manage group projects with ease. The hundreds of faculty who have developed course websites in the past will notice a remarkable difference between this simple, web-based publishing environment, which allows them to post information and materials just before a class begins, and the more complicated, time-consuming protocols used in the past.
CCNMTL is offering regularly-scheduled workshops to teach faculty the ABCs of publishing their course websites and to help them develop pedagogical frameworks for presenting their course materials online. Basic course website development workshops are offered the first and third Friday of every month. For those faculty who want a more specialized consultation, CCNMTL Educational Technologists are available for one-on-one training.
For students, CourseWorks@Columbia serves as a single point of entry for all of their course information and content, including links to digital library reserve materials, a calendar they can use to track assignments and deadlines, bulletin boards and groups for which they are registered, and announcements from their instructors.
CourseWorks@Columbia is available to all schools and joins similar systems at the Graduate School of Business and Teachers College. It is based on Prometheus, a community-based, commercial, open architecture software platform originally developed by the George Washington University.
Faculty and instructors may contact CCNMTL at 212-854-9058 or ccnmtl@columbia.edu for help on developing a website or learning to use CourseWorks.
Workshops at CCNMTL: For training