February 17, 2005. On February 17, CCNMTL hosted an educational forum on the Multimedia Study Environment (MSE), The Autobiography of Malcolm X MSE.
With carefully selected annotations embedded within an online environment, the MSE is an innovative way to facilitate the close reading of a text. The Autobiography of Malcolm X MSE, produced in collaboration with the Center for Contemporary Black History (CCBH), presents the primary text with links to critical annotations that provide perspectives beyond the written word. In addition, the MSE features a rich multimedia archive of primary sources, including historical documents, images, and videos, as well as original interviews with scholars and Malcolm X's contemporaries.
Frank Moretti, executive director of CCNMTL, provided an historical overview of the evolution of the MSE from the first, on Fredric Jameson's monograph "Postmodernism: Or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism" to the 17th, The Autobiography of Malcolm X MSE, and describe some of the lessons learned and developments made along the way. John Frankfurt, CCNMTL educational technologist, conducted a demonstration of the MSE highlighting some of the innovations implemented with this project. Manning Marable, director of the CCBH, shared his experiences with the MSE as an educational tool and discussed the value of the MSE for scholarship.