April 28, 2008. The Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) hosted Innovation in the CUMC Classroom on April 22, 2008 in the National Track and Field Hall of Fame Theater to reintroduce Columbia University’s health science educators to technology innovations for teaching and learning.
More than 60 faculty, instructors, librarians, and university officials from the College of Dental Medicine, the Mailman School of Public Health, the College of Physicians and Surgeons, the School of Nursing, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and Columbia University Information Services attended the event to hear presentations by dental and medical faculty and CCNMTL staff. Faculty presenters discussed pedagogical challenges such as effectively teaching cultural competency and teaching histology to large classes, while also introducing technological solutions to these challenges. The presentations focused on several teaching tools including virtual microscopy, web-based simulations, web-based reflection portfolios, and VITAL, a video-based observation tool.
Other presentations included information about iTunesU, Columbia Wikispaces, and Sakai, a tool that is being considered as the replacement for Columbia’s course management system, CourseWorks. In addition, attendees were able to meet CCNMTL’s directors and educational technologists to learn more about the support available to them as they consider the use of technology in their classrooms.
Video recordings of the event will be available to the general public on Monday, May 12, 2008 via the CCNMTL website: https://ccnmtl.columbia.edu. For more information about CCNMTL or to visit CCNMTL, please contact Dana Hoover at 212-854-4407.
Related links: Innovation in the CUMC Classroom Event Website
Download the press release (PDF)