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Emergency Preparedness Directed Learning Experiences

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Emergency Preparedness Directed Learning Experiences

Emergency Preparedness Directed Learning Experiences Partner(s): Kristine Gebbie
School of Nursing

Access: Private
Released: April 2006


In order to serve New York City's need to develop a program of continuing education to prepare health professionals for potentially catastrophic emergency and terror events, Columbia University developed a series of web-based experiences on responding to radiological, chemical, biological, and conventional terror attacks from an emergency-preparedness perspective. CCNMTL oversees the educational and technical development of these exercises, whose target audience includes over 30,000 hospital- and community-based physicians, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and dentists in the New York-Presbyterian (NYP) hospital system. Special emphasis will be given to the emergency needs of the pediatric population. This project is funded by HRSA.

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Medicine and Health | Online & Directed Learning