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The PoLAR Hub

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The PoLAR Hub

The PoLAR Hub Partner(s): Stephanie Pfirman
The Earth Institute - Columbia University and Barnard College

Access: Open to all
Released: September 2013


The Polar Learning and Responding (PoLAR) Hub is a website that provides up-to-date information and resources on climate change at the Arctic and Antarctic poles. Amidst a proliferation of media coverage of climate change - which moves quickly but often misinterprets the underlying scientific research - The PoLAR Hub will provide accurate yet easy-to-understand information vetted by leading climate scientists and education experts.

The PoLAR Hub is one of several projects of the PoLAR Partnership, a network of scientists, educators, and researchers from institutions including Columbia University, Barnard College, the American Museum of Natural History, and the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. The PoLAR Partnership is funded by the National Science Foundation's Climate Change Education Partnership (CCEP), a program that seeks to establish a coordinated national network of regionally- or thematically-based partnerships devoted to increasing the adoption of effective, high quality educational programs and resources related to the science of climate change and its impacts.

The PoLAR Hub features news and information on the PoLAR Partnership projects, a collection of news and research about the poles and climate change curated by members of the partnership, as well as educational tools and resources for teachers. Project partners will also author the site's original content.

Related project categories:
Repositories and Reference Tools | Sciences

Related news:
Jan-09-2015: Video: PoLAR Partnership Efforts in Sustainable Development
Sep-25-2013: Website Provides Climate Change Information, Direct from Top Scientists