Doubts in Santiago

Meanwhile, Executive Editor Bazán Cardemil and Editor Rodríguez were growing impatient. It was already July, and the segment they had intended to air on Schaefer was still not ready. Villarrubia was six months into an increasingly expensive investigation, yet had no real proof that Schaefer was even at the compound in Chivilcoy. Tension at CONTACTO began to mount. From his position in the field, Villarrubia had strong feelings.


Rodríguez was one of those pressing Villarrubia for results. She wondered just how much longer it would take to find something—and whether there was anything to find at all.


But there was no Plan B. Histories of Colonia Dignidad had been done before. In order to justify airing a new story about Paul Schaefer, CONTACTO would have to find him. Fuentes and Villarrubia would not relent; they steadfastly defended the investigation and advocated it continue.
