A Breakthrough

Throughout the fall of 2004, Villarrubia continued to defy his editors’ skepticism and visit Chivilcoy. In October, he spent time at Hugo Placente’s ranch, where he was able to piece together more of the puzzle of Schaefer’s entourage. He was certain that all the major figures were currently at La Solita. He discovered, for instance, that a young man who looked more Hispanic than the German bodyguards was actually “Martin,” the alias of Matthias Gerlach, an adopted Chilean who was Schaefer’s favorite. His presence at the ranch was significant.

Bodyguard Felipe had always seemed suspicious of Villarrubia, and apparently went to some lengths to avoid him. But on occasion, Felipe came by with gifts of cheese from La Solita in order to talk business with Placente. In early November 2004, one of these visits bore fruit.


Furthermore, Villarrubia’s painstaking observation of movements at La Solita was proving useful.


By mid-November, Villarrubia knew it was time to move.