Exhibit 1

Exhibit 1: Cost of Rice Importation, Storage & Distribution

Stage in value chain Per Unit Cost (USD) Number of Units Per Year Total cost Cumulative costs
Rice $566.66 60,000 $33,999,600 $33,999,600
Import duties (5%) $28 60,000 $1,699,980 $35,699,580
Stevedores $17 60,000 $1,020,000 $36,719,580
Replacing of damaged bags $0.80 4,800
Warehouse maintenance $2,000 2 $3,840 $36,723,420
Warehouse hiring $42,000 3 $4,000 $36,727,420
Warehouse staff (Lvl 1) $2,400 1 $126,000 $36,853,420
Warehouse staff (Lvl 2) $1,980 8 $2,400 $36,855,820
Warehouse staff (Lvl 3) $1,740 23 $15,840 $36,871,660
Fumigation (every 3 months) $2 240,000 $40,020 $36,911,680
Loading onto trucks $0.10 2,400,000 $240,000 $37,631,680
Truck driver + Telly $160 52 $8,320 $37,640,000
Petrol $200 52 $10,400 $37,650,400
Unloading $0.10 2,400,000 $240,000 $37,890,400
Replacement of loss
Loss due to damage 1.50% (1.5% of $37,890,400) $568,356 $38,458,756
TOTAL $38,458,756