Exhibit 2

Exhibit 2: Costs of Rice Production

* All costs are rough estimates only.
Current rice fields: 40,000 ha Population: 1 million
Rice fields potential: 70,000 ha Percent agrarian: 80
Yield potential: 5 Mt/ha (paddy) Percent of farmers producing rice: 30
Input Quantity Capital cost Recurring costs Comments
Seed Per hectare Per hectare
IR-64 30kg $60 1kg of seed can produce 100kg of milled rice
Fertilizer Per hectare Per hectare
Urea (46% nitrogen) 100kg $60 Urea increases production by 30%.
Phosphorus 50kg $40 Nitrogen + phosphorus used together increases production by 40%.
Land preparation Per unit Per hectare
Motorized tractor See Note A $15,000 $80 (incl. petrol)
Hand tractor See Notes B, C $2500-$3000 $60 (incl. petrol)
Water buffalo $700
Irrigation Per scheme
Irrigation scheme See Note D
Farmer Training Per Year
Farmer Field Schools (FFS) 4 per farmer $400 per FFS Each FFS comprises 8 sessions delivered over a 3-month period
Staff salaries 2 per FFS $1992 per extension worker
Logistics 1 per FFS $500 per FFS
A: 1 motorized tractor can till 5-8 ha a day.
B: 1 hand tractor can till 2-3 ha a day.
C: MAF's Mechanization Policy involved the distribution of 2000 hand tractors, which exceeded what was required nationally given the limited area of irrigated rice cultivated (even if every rice farmer used a hand tractor for land preparation).
D: The GoTL had identified 9 priority irrigation schemes. If properly functioning, they would service 10,000 ha. These 9 schemes were estimated to cost a total of $100 million.