Neural Science (M5105/D5105)
Course lecture recordings for Spring 2008
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Course lecture recordings for Spring 2008
Course lecture recordings for Spring 2008. Instructor: Dr. Letty Moss-Salentijn
Spring lecture recordings for Spring 2008. Instructor: Dr. Dory Calev
An interdisciplinary semester-long science course taken by all entering Columbia College first-year students. Course materials are developed by a team of faculty that includes senior professors and post-doctoral level instructors (Columbia Science Fellows) with a strong interest in science education. Of the four course modules, half are from the physical sciences and half from the life sciences.
Course lecture recordings for spring 2008.
Course lecture recordings for Spring 2008.
Course lecture recording for Spring 2008.
Recordings and video demonstrations for Spring 2008. Instructor: Dr. Mark Dickstein