Scientific Inquiry and Decision Making (D5001)
Course lecture recordings for Fall 2008. Instructor: Dr. John Zimmerman
Course lecture recordings for Fall 2008. Instructor: Dr. John Zimmerman
Course lecture recordings for Summer 2008. Instructor: Dr. RitaMarie John
Course lecture recordings for Spring 2008. Instructor: Dr. Suzanne Bakken
Course lecture recordings for Spring 2008. Instructor: Dr. James Colgrove
Course lecture recordings for Spring 2008
Course lecture recordings for Spring 2008. Instructor: Dr. Letty Moss-Salentijn
Spring lecture recordings for Spring 2008. Instructor: Dr. Dory Calev
Course lecture recordings for spring 2008.
Course lecture recordings for Spring 2008.
Course lecture recording for Spring 2008.
Recordings and video demonstrations for Spring 2008. Instructor: Dr. Mark Dickstein
Course lecture recordings for 2007-08.
Course lecture recordings for 2007-08.
Course lecture recordings of third year dental courses for 2007-08. These include:
1. Principles and Practices of Oral Maxillo-Facial Surgery (D7402)
2. Clinical Oral Pathology/Oral Medicine (D7912)
3. Dental Interviewing (D7851)
4. Dental Materials (D7831)
5. Oral Health Care Delivery (D7104)
Course lecture recordings for fall 2007. Instructor: Dr. Steven Singer
Course lecture recordings for Fall 2007. Instructor: Dr. Louis Mandel
Course lecture recordings for fall 2007. Instructor: Dr. Michael Sparer
Course lecture recordings for Fall 2007. Lecturers: Dr. Dimaggio, Dr. Zablotska, et al.
Course lecture recordings for Fall 2007. Course Director: Dr. Boyden
Course lecture recordings for Fall 2007. Course Director: Dr. Thomas Garrett
This podcast is accessible by medical and dental students. It includes lectures for:
- Microbiology/Infectious Diseases
- Immunology
- Molecular and Cellular Pathology
Course lecture recordings for Fall 2007. Course Director: Marc L. Dickstein M.D.
Course lecture recordings for Fall 2007. Instructor: Dr. Robin Whyatt
Course lecture recordings for Summer 2007. Instructor: Dr. Steven Singer
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Diuguid
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Lynn M Tepper
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Garrett
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Al-Awqati
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Paul Berk
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Thomas Jacobs
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructors: Dr. Richard G. Parker, Dr. Kim Hopper, Dr. Amy Fairchild.
Course Description:
The sociomedical approach enlists the social sciences of anthropology, sociology, history, political science, social psychology, and moral philosophy in a multidisciplinary study of public health and medicine. Drawing upon assigned readings, lectures, seminar sections, and field/archival experience, this course will examine critical issues in urban health inequalities—the signature theme of the Department of Sociomedical Sciences—as they have taken shape historically, evolved over time, and assumed distinctive forms in the context of a global economy. Students will learn to apply the tools of social science to the analysis and formulation of public health programs and policies. This course is part of the core-course requirement for the MPH.
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Schluger.
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Sherry Glied
By the conclusion of this course students will be able to:
- describe the structure, process, and outcomes of the US health care system and of its major components
- contrast the US health care system to those of other developed countries
- understand the factors that led to the development of the US health care system
- analyze the development of a health care policy
- recognize and apply basic management principles
- understand how organizations work
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Kim Knowlton
The possible impact of climate change on public health is an area of growing significance and rapidly expanding research. Identifying, understanding, and predicting public health impacts draws upon a range of disciplines including atmospheric sciences, climate modeling, epidemiology, ecology, risk assessment, and public policy. Readings will cover a diverse range of topics and include extensive web-based data searches. The class will be run in a seminar-style format: intro topic briefing followed by student-led discussion & critique of relevant papers & news items. For the final project, climate-health projects will be developed and presented in class by small groups of students. Guest speakers who are experts in the multiple disciplines that inform climate-health impacts will be invited to speak throughout the semester.
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Dory Calev
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Letty Moss-Salentijn
The first objective of this course is to prepare you for the clinical treatment of growing individuals as well as the treat ment of those, who have developmental anomalies. To this end you are expected to acquire basic knowledge and, if possible, explain the scientific principles that underlie our current understanding of the events and underlying mechanisms of the normal and abnormal development and growth of the cra niofacial region. Building on earlier instruction in Human Devel opment and Human Anatomy courses the specific attributes of craniofacial growth and development are highlighted in our lec tures, laboratories and conferences.
The second and major objective of the course is to prepare you for the practice of dentistry by providing you with an in depth exposure to the structural characteristics of dental and oral tissues. Integrating and expanding on the earlier instruc tion in General Histology, the unique developmental and histolog ic aspects of dental and oral tissues, their structure, organization and function are detailed in lectures, laboratories and conferences. You are expected to acquire the knowledge and explain the scientific principles that underlie the development, structure and organization of the dental and oral tissues.
Lab Quizzes for spring 2007. This is an enhanced podcast that includes pictures along with the audio. Instructor: Dr. Jack Martin.
Course lecture recordings for spring 2007. Instructor: Dr. Carol Waksmonski
Course lecture recordings for fall 2006. Instructor Dr. Andrew Wit.
Epidemiology is one of the pillars of public health. Epidemiologists study the distribution and determinants of disease in human populations; they also develop and test ways to prevent and control disease. The discipline covers the full range of disease occurrence, including genetic and environmental causes for both infectious and noninfectious diseases. Increasingly, epidemiologists view causation in the broadest sense, as extending from molecular factors at the one extreme, to social and cultural determinants at the other. Instructor: Dr. Lydia Zablotska.
Lectures recorded for students in Public Health course P6300, fall 2006. Instructor: Dr. Sylvia Le Blancq.
Course Description: Environmental factors have a profound impact on the public's health. Essential to understanding and addressing this impact is focused study in basic and applied environmental health sciences. In addition, environmental health problems intersect with health disparities, government policy, reproductive health, population shifts, and economic forces. This course is part of the core-course requirement for the MPH.
Course lecture recordings for fall 2006.
Course #: M6404/D6101
Course: Pathophysiology I : Section: Microbiology/Infectious Diseases
Instructor: Dr. Frank Lowy.
Course lecture recordings for fall 2006.
Course lecture recordings for fall 2006.
Dr. Louis Mandel, College of Dental Medicine. Course lecture recordings for fall 2006.
Dr. James Uyanik, College of Dental Medicine. Course lecture recordings for fall 2006.
Dr. Letty Moss-Salentijn lectures for Oral Histology Growth and Development spring 2006 course. The objective of this course is to prepare you for the clinical treatment of growing individuals as well as the treatment of those who have developmental anomalies.