Postdoctoral Dental Education

Professional Life-Long Learning Plan

Step 2: Linking Objectives with Learning Activities and Evaluation
Step 4: Evidence of accomplishment

Step 3: Self-Evaluation Methods and Reflection Exercises

Deciding on Self-evaluation/reflection Methods

A variety of activities can be used the facilitate the reflection process. Reflection activities can include writing, speaking, doing, and using multimedia. In residency training residents' could be required to keep journals, answer reflection questions, use reflection as part of a case study, or integrate it in a chart review process.

There are a number of activities through which you can reflect on the service you provide to your patients.

Writing Speaking Doing Multimedia
Personal Journal Oral report to class Role paying Slide show
Writing responses to reflection questions Group discussions Teaching others Web page document
Writing responses to readings     Video
Participating in a web discussion      

For this module select one or more Self-evaluation/reflection methods: personal journals, answering reflection questions, and participating in web discussion. Use the journal as a time to think about what you've seen, felt, and experienced, and which aspects of your experience continues to excite, trouble, impress, or unnerve you. When answering reflection questions or participating in web discussion don't simply answer the questions listed, but use the questions to guide your thought process. In other words, use the questions to keep your writing focused.