The shaping of research and development in arts and technology could benefit from the involvement of a wider range of participants, including those of us charged with designing teaching and learning environments throughout the University. Mark Tribe, Director of Art and Technology at Columbia, explores the current state of art and technology at Columbia and other universities, and possible futures.
Emerging technologies have the potential to transform the design of new systems of scholarly publishing. What are the implications of such developments to the creation, dissemination, and application of new knowledge? Does the promise of wider access to such materials provide new opportunities in undergraduate and graduate education?
Professor Herbert Ginsburg of Teachers College, Columbia University, will discuss his work with CCNMTL on VITAL as a place from which to launch a discussion of the implications for enhancing, if not transforming, pedagogic practice in our professional schools. Professor Ginsburg's presentation, will be followed by responses from senior representatives of several of Columbia University's professional schools, including Sarah Sheets Cook from the School of Nursing and Ann McCann Oakley from the School of Social Work.