June 2, 2009. CCNMTL recently published a Wikispaces QuickStart Guide for faculty and instructors who want to get started on their course wiki. The Guide includes step-by-step instructions on how to activate a course wiki, as well as how to create, edit, and link pages within a wiki.
CCNMTL invites all Columbia University faculty and instructors to speak with an education technologist about their curriculum goals and education technology needs. Click here to view a list of educational technologists by department or for immediate service during working hours call the CCNMTL Faculty Support Lab at (212) 854-9058 or email at ccnmtl@columbia.edu. You can also visit the Lab in 204 Butler Library, Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.
Related links: Download the Wikispaces Quickstart Guide