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Innovation in the CUMC Classroom

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Innovation in the CUMC Classroom

Innovation in the CUMC Classroom CCNMTL

Access: Open to all
Released: April 2008


CCNMTL hosted Innovation in the CUMC Classroom on April 22, 2008 to reintroduce Columbia University's health science educators to technology innovations for teaching and learning. Faculty, instructors, librarians, and university officials from the College of Dental Medicine, the Mailman School of Public Health, the College of Physicians and Surgeons, the School of Nursing, the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and Columbia University Information Services attended the event to hear presentations by dental and medical faculty and CCNMTL staff. Presenters discussed pedagogical challenges such as effectively teaching cultural competency and teaching histology to large classes, while also introducing technological solutions to these challenges. The presentations focused on several teaching tools including virtual microscopy, web-based simulations, web-based reflection portfolios, and VITAL, a video-based observation tool.

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Apr-28-2008: CCNMTL Hosts Technology and Learning Event for CUMC Faculty