Postdoctoral Dental Education

Professional Life-Long Learning Plan

Step 2: Linking Objectives with Learning Activities and Evaluation
Step 4: Evidence of accomplishment

Step 3: Self-Evaluation Methods and Reflection Exercises

How Reflection Works

Learning happens through a mix of theory and practice, thought and action, observation, reflection, and interaction. Reflection is the use of creative and critical thinking skills to help prepare for, succeed in, and learn from your service experience. It is used to examine the larger picture and context in which the dental care service to patients occurs. Reflection is used to help learners make meaningful connections between their clinical experiences and didactic material, and in the process develop various life-long learning skills.

Reflection can be meaningful, harmful or meaningless. Its impact depends on how it is presented, when it is done, and what is done with the derived thought and insights. An ongoing process of reflection enhances your ability to comunicate and provides faculty members with a better understanding of your knowledge, problem-solving efforts, and progress. Better communication can help improve your learning and care effectiveness.

For this module, the term reflection is used to refer to a thoughtfully constructed process that challenges and guides you in:

To be effective, reflection must take place at times before, during, and after a particular experience. In clinical teaching reflection comes after the service experience has ended. Reflection at this point helps you evaluate the effectiveness and quality of care provided, grasp your emotional response to the experience, think about how you integrate of knowledge and new information.