Biography: Cary Spivak

Cary Spivak
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Cary Spivak was the Journal Sentinel 's investigative reporter focusing on business. Spivak joined the Milwaukee Sentinel in 1987, where he worked for several years on the city desk. He later worked on the business desk at the Journal Sentinel as an investigative reporter specializing in casino gaming, the legal industry, and financial fraud. He also co-authored the Spivak and Bice column, launched in 1998.

During his 30-year career, he worked on a variety of investigations involving business, politics, and law enforcement, including a story on a now-disbarred bankruptcy lawyer who pocketed thousands of dollars in fees without doing work for his destitute clients, as well as illegal property flipping schemes and securities fraud. Spivak attended Northern Illinois University and has won a variety of state, local, and national reporting awards.

Listen to Spivak on the thrill of the chase