Biography: MegKissinger

Meg Kissinger
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Meg Kissinger was the Journal Sentinel 's investigative reporter focusing on health care. During her 25 years in the newsroom, Kissinger wrote articles on a range of subjects, including a crisis in local healthcare for the mentally ill, higher-than-average suicide rates amongst police officers, and an oncologist who inadvertently discovered his own cancer. Prior to working at the Milwaukee Journal , which she joined in 1983 as a legal affairs reporter, Kissinger worked at the Watertown, NY , Daily Times and the Cincinnati Post.

Kissinger has earned several honors and awards for her work. In 2007, her articles on squalid housing conditions for the mentally ill in Milwaukee County won the Mental Health America Award for best news reporting and earned her a place as a finalist for the Selden Ring and Investigative Reporter and Editor awards. She also received accolades from the American Association of Sunday and Feature Editors, the American Society of Newspaper Editors, and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

Kissinger graduated from DePauw University with a degree in political science.

Listen to Kissinger on her newspaper career