The Pedagogy of PL3P

The PL3P approach requires residents to be more active learners, to construct their own knowledge and to develop personalized learning plans to meet their individual needs. Residents are told to anticipate that the PL3P will:
  • Chronicle the learning experience in the AEGD program as it progresses
  • Create a tangible action plan based on residents' priorities and learning objectives
  • Help resident reflect on their thoughts and feelings about the experiences they select to document
  • Model a life-long learning strategies that could be used for continuing professional development


Successful portfolio projects have the following characteristics:
  • Serve as evidence of a dynamic process rather than as a static container for student work
  • Encourage reflection
  • Involve careful planning: design, policies, and guidelines
  • Include specific academic standards, expectations of significant intellectual engagement and consequences for incomplete projects
  • Include a self-assessment component
  • Include providing ongoing feedback to students
  • Include formal assessment/evaluation
  • Involve faculty in training and support

Motivation: Self-Regulated Learning

Lifelong learners distinguish themselves from others by their ability to direct their learning process and transform their intrinsic mental abilities into academic skills. Self-regulated learners:
  • Are proactive in learning efforts
  • Are aware of their strengths and limitations, best learning settings, and what hinders their learning
  • Are guided by personally set goals and task-related strategies
  • Monitor learning behavior in terms of their goals
  • Self-reflect on the effectiveness of strategies
  • Use monitoring & reflection to continue to improve learning
Self-regulation in learning has three disctinct phases: the forethought phase, the performance phase and the reflection phase. These phases are described in the graphic below.

Reflection: Blogging to yourself

The term reflection is used to refer to a thoughtfully constructed process that challenges and guides residents in (1) examining critical issues related to their clinical services, (2) connecting the service experience to coursework, (3) enhancing the development of professional skills and values, and (4) finding personal relevance in the work.

We use three levels of reflection to structure the activities for this program.
Level 1. The Mirror: A reflection of the self, the self be-comes clearer
Level 2. The Microscope: Make the small experience large
Level 3. The Binoculars: The distant becomes closer