CCNMTL (1999-2015) pages for archival purposes only. Please visit

Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning

CCNMTL partners with Columbia University faculty to enhance teaching and learning through the purposeful use of technology and new media. The Center supports a range of efforts from basic course websites to advanced projects.


CCNMTL News & Postings

CCNMTL Becomes Part of CTL

The Center for Teaching and Learning will incorporate the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning (CCNMTL) and the Graduate School of Arts and... MORE

Columbia iTunesU Private Store Front Closed

Apple decided to sunset the private iTunes U sites which Columbia used to distribute content internally, usually protected using a UNI and a course affiliation.... MORE

In Conversation: Blended Learning in the Biomedical Engineering Classroom with Dr. Katherine E. Reuther

Biomedical Engineering (BME) is a field that requires the rigorous application of engineering principles and cutting-edge design concepts to the ever-changing worlds of science and... MORE

Tracing Jewish Books Through Time and Place

_De bello Judaico by Flavius Josephus._Since the dawn of history, the written word has served to define us as a species and to provide us... MORE

In Conversation: Curating Medieval Manuscript Exhibits in the Digital Age with Professor Susan Boynton

Medieval manuscripts, oftentimes secured tightly in library preserves, are being digitized and scholarly research—from Professor Susan Boynton's historical musicology students—is being brightly lit up with... MORE

In Conversation: A Collaborative Online Exhibition for NYC Food Justice with Professor Erin Hasinoff

Museum Anthropology MA students in Dr. Erin Hasinoff’s Exhibitions: Practical Considerations (offered in Spring 2015 at Columbia) explored some of the organizations and people... MORE

CCNMTL's Paul Stengel and Sarohini Chahal Present at 2015 AERA Annual Meeting

Last month CCNMTL educational technologists Paul Joseph Stengel and Sarohini Chahal traveled to Chicago, IL to present at the 2015 American Educational Research Association (AERA)... MORE

CCNMTL's Maurice Matiz on NYU Panel for Technological Innovation in Higher Ed

CCNMTL director, Maurice Matiz, participated in a panel at NYU’s Leonard Stern School of Business to discuss technological innovation in the classroom. MORE

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